CS 293 (Data Structures Lab)

Motivation behind the course :
Finding ways of translating the general idea given as an algorithm into the more specific instructions of whichever programming language(C++ in general).


Instructor :
Prof. A. A. Diwan


Course Content :
Implementation of, and experiments with, basic data structures and algorithms learnt in CS 213. Operations on data for different algorithms and problem domains; comparison of asymptotic complexity with real behaviour of algorithms;


Who will find it interesting :
Coding Enthusiast. It’s really fun(frustrating!) to come up with working implementations of the Algos you design.




10 best out of 15 labs. An additional assignment(same weightage as lab) with one week deadline.


Difficulty level : ⅘.
Initial labs will be tough. Implementing(practicing) standard algorithms and data structures will be helpful.


References :
Introduction to Algorithms(Thomas H. Cormen), spoj(Practice)